5 Day Online Program Training - Website



Think for a moment about the program you really want to make. The one you have been dreaming of. The kind of thing you see other people making and wish you were doing.  

Over 5 days I'm going to guide you through the steps you need to create your own online program so you can get started now. This is the same process we use and teach our paid clients to use. Now it's your turn.



It's one thing to make an online program, it's another to make sure it's the best possible program, and to do that you need video to deliver your content. 

Most people get overwhelmed when it comes to online programs and video. There's so much to think about... 

Do I have enough expertise to share with people? What information will I cover? How do I lay it out? Is it better to use video or written training? How will I feel about being on camera? What if I spend all this time and money creating my program and no one buys it!

All of these are legitimate concerns, so in this training we cover all of this and more, giving you just what you need to get into action.

Remember, it's totally free.


Want to jump ahead? Want to get stuck into the nuts and bolts, and start learning the secrets of video, online programs and marketing straight away? Schedule a time to talk to us directly and find out all about how we can help you to grow your business with video. The first session is free.


At Girl Director we craft a Mastermind program called The Ripple Effect that is custom designed to your business goals and needs, covering Video, Online Programs, Marketing, Sales, Business Coaching, Technical Training, Branding and Mindset. All of this with the intention of helping you to grow your business and create the lifestyle you truly desire.

Everyone has different challenges and different needs. Everyone wants to grow their business. However, not everyone has the same obstacles and blocks. We all have different gaps in knowledge. Some people need help with strategy while others need technical training. For some it's about getting down to the basics of business management - cashflow, profit margins, resourcing and financial management.

Rachel Dunn and Michael Hole are the owners of Girl Director. They are both in their 40's and between them have over 35 years professional Video and TV experience; Rachel with many years as a Music Video director. Michael also has over 10 years in the business and finance sector, 10 years professional IT management, and each of us has been running our own small businesses, including a highly successful video production company for over 20 years. Michael and Rachel started working together in Girl Director 4 years ago and have been transforming all kinds of businesses with video ever since.

From coaches to medical doctors, inventors to videographers, financial planners, fitness professionals, jewellery makers and wine makers. We work with all kinds of businesses. The only criteria is that you must be passionate about what you do!

If you’d like to know more about our training programs, then get in contact with us HERE. We will spend some time with you to understand your business, what you're looking to create and what you’re really excited about making happen in your life with video and online programs. It's all about focusing on what you love!